Our order of 40 Bibles arrived last week. We got it at the Bible League at a much lower price than PCBS. We bought 20 Bibles last month from PCBS and gave it to the kids in my Sunday school and the rest we gave it to the adults who were attending our worship service. We mentioned it to one of our pastor friends and he was the one who suggested to us to buy Bibles at the Bible League. So hubby ordered 40 so all in all we bought 60 Bibles already. Hubby has a vision that more and more people will attend our church and we need Bibles to give out to them.
Right now, we are so thankful that our ministry is growing. This past Sunday, we started Sunday school for the adults with my brother-in-law, Jhun as the teacher. There were around 9 adults who attended and there were 20 kids in my Sunday school. During the worship service there were 16 adults who were present plus the kids, praise God! Two young moms whom I’ve been inviting a few times already showed up finally. I was so glad to see them. We gave them a warm welcome. Jhun played his keyboard as we sang worship songs. Then time for the special song. Lat week it was Jhun who sang. Guess who did it this time. Would you believe I rendered a special song for the first time with no practice at all? That was the first time I did it, singing solo in the church. I told the people after wards that I don’t have a good singing voice but I just want to glorify Jesus through a song.
Hubby gave the message and I was the translator. I’m so amazed how God gave me the courage, wisdom and confidence to do all those things, witnessing to people and inviting them to church, teaching Sunday school, message translator and singing solo. Wow! Truly the Lord is amazing. If He will use you, He will equip you as long as you are obedient to His calling. “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8
Top Benefits of Owning a Horse
5 years ago
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