George got to preached in our church yesterday night. It was 3 years ago since the last time he preached and that was when we were still in Alvarado. When our pastor here in Wichita Falls learned that George is a licensed and ordained preacher, he said that one of these days he’s gonna let him preach. Last Sunday night after our church service, the pastor talked to George and told him to get ready because he’s gonna preach Wednesday night. My husband has been preparing his message and then he told me that he already got one last Monday. But then he felt that the Lord wanted him to preach another message so he changed it and made another one on Tuesday. I’ve been praying for George everyday to the Lord to give him heavenly wisdom so he can deliver his message with confidence and peace. I prayed to God to use George in a mighty way and I asked the Holy Spirit to be with him as he brings the message. I know it’s not easy to speak infront of many people especially this is his first time to preach in our church here in Wichita Falls and also it’s been a long time since the last time he preached. When we were in the Philippines, our pastor there asked him to preach in our church a number of times. I remember the first time George was asked to preach in our church in the Philippines, the pastor announced to the congregation during Sunday morning service that George is gonna preach in the evening service. So that night, the attendance in our church increased. Our church members who don’t usually attend the evening service came to hear my husband preach. It’s not everyday that they hear and see an American preach in our church so maybe they got curious. The congregation were so quiet and they were listening so intently that you can even here the sound of a needle drop on the floor. I know that George got conscious or maybe a lil’ bit nervous that he didn’t preach that long. But the next time he was asked to preached again, he was already relaxed and preached longer. Last night before we went to church, I suggested to my husband that we should pray first. So we held each other’s hands and prayed to God to be with him as bring his message in the church. We asked God to speak through him and use him as a tool to share God’s word. Before we left I took this photo of him.

We arrived early at the church because I know that George is looking forward to preach and perhaps excited. I’m excited too to hear him preach again so I took a photo of him while we were waiting for the service to begin.

Then I asked my friend Sofia to take a photo of me and George, (napaghahalata talaga ang mahilig magpapicture, lol).

When it was time for my husband to preach, I listened to him but my heart was beating fast. I was the one who was nervous. Before George started his message, he told the congregation first about his life before he got saved and how the good Lord has changed him when he surrendered his life to God. He got saved October 18, 1986 and he was ordained as a preacher August 13, 1989. The title of his message was "Can We Limit God Almighty?" His text verses were Psalms 78: 35-42. He outlined 3 things that limit God. I) Inconsistent Christian living limits God (Isa. 59:2), II) Lack of faith limits God (Matt. 13:58), III) Shallow and selfish prayers limit God (James 4:3). My husband had delivered his message well and it took him maybe more than 30 minutes to preach his message.
After the service, most of our church members came to shake my hubby’s hand and told him his message was a blessing. Well, I shook his hand too and told him, well done my beloved preacher husband. I believe that the Holy Spirit had a free reign and just used my husband to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. George was not really a talker. In fact he is shy and don’t like to be in a big crowd. He said that when he was still a student, he didn’t want to do a book report because he was so shy to speak infront of the class. But now, when it comes to sharing the Word of God, it’s different. He overcame his shyness and become bold in sharing God’s Word and speak infront of the people. That’s the power of God there. He changed people only if they let Him. I took photos while my hubby was preaching but it was not clear as it should be because I had to turn off the flash of my digicam so it won’t distract the attention of the people.