I’ve been meaning to write an update about our ministry a few weeks ago but l’ve been too preoccupied with some other things. The enemy is attacking one of my loved ones and we were down on our knees asking God to intervene. We entrust everything to Him. Now, I’m here in front of my computer and so I might as well write about our ministry updates. My Sunday school class is still on-going every Sunday. Hubby and I drive there as early as 8:15 AM and Sunday school begins at 8:30 AM. I have 15 kids who attend regularly in our outreach ministry and sometimes the attendance go up as high as 22. I love teaching those kids and they really inspire me because they are so interested in learning the lessons I teach every Sunday. I have taught them Christian songs, gave them Bible verses to memorize, told them Bible stories, taught them how to pray and talk to God, taught them not to speak bad words and not to quarrel to their fellow kids and lately I taught them to give offerings to God. Those kids started at my VBS class last summer and until now they continue attending my Sunday school class. Ten of them got saved and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They enjoy doing the coloring pages that I give to each of them on Sundays. Our church bought crayons for each of them to use in their coloring. I gave incentive to those who did a good job in coloring. I also told them before that if they will attend Sunday school for 4 consecutive Sundays, I will give each of them a reward.
The Lord has blessed our effort in doing His work. One of my co-blogger and friend in Facebook had read my post about my VBS class and she had seen the photos of the kids that I posted. The Lord had touched her heart to help the kids in my Sunday school and she promised to give financial help every month. She started sending her help last May through my Paypal. I was so amazed how the good Lord provide what we need by using other people. Imagine, I didn’t even ask my FB friend nor solicit her, she gave voluntarily. It’s not that much but every little bit helps. Then, a couple who are friends of ours based in the US were talking with us online the day before we started VBS. I mentioned to them that we will be starting VBS the next day and I told them I was so excited. The next day I got a text from her telling me that she sent money to me through Xoom as their help for my VBS. Oh my, that was really an unexpected blessing from the Lord! He blessed the work that we’re doing for Him. Then the next couple of months, the couple had sent us financial support for our Sunday school kids. I didn’t ask for their help, they just sent it out of love for the work of the Lord. I was so amazed and touched by God’s faithfulness! If He will send you to do His work, He will equip you. We were able to buy a total of 120 notebooks, ballpens and pencils for my Sunday school kids before the school started and it helped their parents a lot. Thanks to our faithful friends who have the heart to help the work of the Lord.
Now, our next project is to buy Bibles for my Sunday school kids. None of them have Bibles yet. We went to PCBS in Urdaneta and inquire the prices but they ran out of stocks as of last week. We are still waiting for the arrival of the Bibles that I ordered. We also want to buy Bibles for the adults in our Bible study class next time when we have enough funds. None of them have Bibles too. We are trusting God that He will provide what we need to further His kingdom. He touches and uses people as instruments in a way I never imagined. To God be the glory!
Top Benefits of Owning a Horse
5 years ago
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