Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Celebration

We had a good Christmas celebration in Alvarado, TX. We stayed there for a week and we just got back home yesterday afternoon. My hubby and I didn’t do a lot of things there, just relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company and had a good time with the kids and grandkids but unfortunately, Steven’s kids were not there. Only Josh and L.A. were there, the oldest and the youngest grandkids.


Soon another baby will be added in the family because Stacy is pregnant on her 2nd child now.


We also went to see some of our friends but unfortunately Tonja was not there when we went in their house to give her lumpia. She went on last minute Christmas shopping with her husband. Only her 2 lovely daughters were there. We didn’t stay long, then we went to see another friends of ours, Bro. Jesse and Ms. Sue. It was good to see them again and then the Higleys came by also and we had a good time talking to each other. We had also the chance to go to Taco Bell when my hubby took Stacy to work. Her son and her hubby went with us too and all of us ate there for free. Stacy is an assistant manager in Taco Bell and her family gets free food whenever we go there. I ordered my favorite chalupa and tacos so did my hubby. Both of us like chalupa. We had also rented movies and I got to watch 3 good movies that I’ve been wanting to watch which my friend suggested to me, love story of course. We exchanged and opened gifts on Christmas day after our lunch and my hubby and I got Christmas presents from his kids. We took photos and also video. Christmas06_043




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